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Meet The Math Teachers


Max is a rising sophmore in New York. He was introduced to competitive math several years ago, and since then has been participating in math contests and studying math ever since. In addition to math, he also enjoys playing chess, participating in Quiz Bowl competitions, and reading.


  • Assorted AMC accomplishments​

    • 2016 - 2020 AIME Qualifier

    • 2017 - 2020 JMO Qualifier 

    • 2018 ,  2020 JMO Winner 

    • 2019 JMO HM 

    • 2020 MOP​

  • Harvard MIT Math Tournament

    • November 2019 Fourth place overall

  • ​Local Competitions
    • Nassau Math Tournament 1st place​

Ethan is a rising junior in New York. Although having first thought of math as nerdy, Ethan discovered that competitive math was actually a very fun and cool interest to pursue throughout middle school. He continues to participate in many math contests today including the USAJMO and PUMaC. His favorite parts of math are olympiad geometry problems and working with the math contest community, while his least favorite part of math is anything combo. During his free time, Ethan enjoys hanging out with his numerous friends and being the vice president of the jericho mathletes club. While really bad at chess, swimming, and java, Ethan still know the basics.


  • Assorted AMC accomplishments​​

    • AMC 10 DHR Since 7th Grade ​

    • 2019, 2020 USAJMO Qualifier 

  • Mathcounts​

    • 2017 MATHCOUNTS NY State First Place Team​

    • 2018 MATHCOUNTS Chapter Perfect Score (first place in Long Island)


  • PUMaC (Div B)

    • 2017 PUMaC (Div. B) Finalist​

    • 2018 Second Place Overall Individual

    • 2018 Geometry Winner

    • 2018 Team Round Second​

  • EMCC ​

    • 2018 EMCC Top 10 individual finalist​

  • HMMT ​

    • 2018 HMMT General Top Ten

Alex is a rising junior in New York. Discovering his interest in math in middle school, he soon immersed himself in it and is currently participating in multiple math competitions. In addition to mathematics, Alex takes part in cross country as well as the school’s physics club. He hopes that through his teaching, he will be able to share his interest in math with others.


  • AMC accomplishments

    • 2018 - 2020 AIME qualifier​

    • 2020 JMO qualifier

    • 2020 JMO HM

  • 2020 November PUMaC ​​​

    • individual finalist
  • Local
    • 2019 Nassau Math Tournament 3rd place​
    • 2020 Nassau Math Tournament 2nd place​

Austin Chen is a rising freshman at Yale University at New Haven, Connecticut. He’s been playing soccer for over 10 years and is an adrenaline junkie, having gone skydiving and bungee jumping multiple times. Interested in social entrepreneurship, he organized multiple fundraisers and free classes for the less fortunate. In his free time, he enjoys messing around with Python or trying to cook.


  • AMC

    • 2020 AIME​

  • Summer Programs
    • Attended Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSIM)​
  • Local Competitions
    • 2017, 2018, 2019 Nassau County All-Star Math Team
    • 2018, 2019, 2020 Nassau Math Tournament, 3rd individual
    • 2018, 2019 1st Place Team
  • Other Achievements  
    • 2019-2020 Jericho HS Mathletes Team President â€‹
    • Attending Yale 2020-2021

Ishin will be a junior in high school this year from New York. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games with his friends, primarily Minecraft and various mobile games. He

also enjoys both watching and playing various sports casually, including football and

baseball. In competitive math, Ishin loves the challenge of hard problems and enjoys

collaborating on problems with friends


  • AMC + AIME

    • 2016, 2017 AMC8 Honor Roll

    • 2020 AMC 10 Distinguished Honor Roll

  • PUMaC - 2018 Division B

    • Team 10th Number Theory

    • 4th Individual: 12th

  • Local Competitions

    • Nassau County All-Stars 2019/2020

    • NYSML: Highest scoring on B team

    • ARML: 5/10 on Nassau B1​​


Derek is a rising Junior at Manhasset High School from Long Island, New York. In his spare time, Derek loves to solve rubik's cubes, code, play video games, and do math in his spare time. He still struggles to decide if his favorite time of the day is lunch or dinner. Regarding mathematics, Derek loves to challenge himself with difficult geometry problems while collaborating with friends.


  • AMC

    • 2017 AMC8 Honor roll

  • MathCounts

    • 2018 MATHCOUNTS Regional Countdown Round 2nd Place 

    • 2018 MATHCOUNTS States Qualifier 2019

  • Local Competitions

    • 2020 Nassau Math Tournament

    • 5th Place Team 2019/2020

    • NCIML All Stars Team

  • Other awards​

    • Stevens Mathematical Olympiad 3rd Place


Ruoxi is a rising high school sophomore in New York whose lifelong dream is to escape to Mars after retirement. At a young age, she was thrust into the world of competitive mathematics and has been flailing in a sea of numbers ever since. Other activities she enjoys include debate, Science Olympiad, and swimming. Usually, you can find her lamenting over a hard geometry question, playing Minecraft with her sisters, preparing the last minute for a debate, or attempting to read an astronomy book


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  • AMC + AIME 

    • 2018 AMC 8 Distinguished Honor Roll (top 1%)

    • 2018, 2019, 2020  AIME Qualifier 

  • Mathcounts

    • 2018-2019 Chapter: Individual: 2nd; Countdown: 3rd; Team: 1st

    • State: Individual 15th; Team; 4th

  • Math League

    • 2016-2017 6th grade Florida Mathematics League 1st place

  • Local Competitions

    • Nassau Math Tournament 2nd place​​

  • Others​

    • Princeton University Math Competition​ Participant

    • Harvard MIT Math Tournament Participant â€‹

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Patrick is soon-to-be a sophomore attending school in New York. He is an enthusiastic weiqi player with a childhood dream to become a professional at the game. Having an avid love for nature, he enjoys watching nature documentaries in his free time and reading through interesting articles on the future of our planet. Also a soccer player, Patrick has been playing for 6 years and enjoys running as a favorite pastime. Being a competitive Mathlete. he enjoys tackling difficult problems, and suffers from major programmer’s block when doing robotics.

  • AMC + AIME 

    • 2016,2017 AMC 8 Achievement/Honor Roll

    • 2018 AMC 8 Distinguished Honor Roll (top 1%)

    • 2019 AMC 12 honor roll 

    • 2020 AIME Qualifier 

  • Mathcounts 2018-2019 (Team captain)

    • Chapter: Individual: 7th, Team: 1st

    •  State: Team; 4th

  • Math League

    • 2017-2018 7th grade New York Mathematics League 1st place

  • Local competitions

    • Nassau Math Tournament 8th place

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